MOG Day 17 – Healthy Living

Matthew 12:33
“If you grow a healthy tree, you’ll pick healthy fruit. If you grow a diseased tree, you’ll pick worm-eaten fruit. The fruit tells you about the tree.”
-The Message

I know I’m taking this scripture out of context a bit but it is absolutely true. If you want healthy fruit, you’ll grow a healthy tree. So it goes to reason that if you want a healthy person, you’ll do healthy things to be that person.

This month we’ve been doing things that make a difference. Either in our own lives or in the lives of others. But if we aren’t healthy, we can’t help others.

Thus in order to “put on our own oxygen mask first,” we need to take an interest in our own health. Last week when we did this several people went for walks or ate fresh fruit and veggie. But one person surprised me. She said she was going to bed earlier in order to get more sleep.
Ah sleep, the forgotten virtue! Sleep is essential but I never really understood the complexity of that statement until reading Dreamland: Adventures in the Strange Science of Sleep by David K. Randall.
In his book, Randall gives an easy to understand, scientific explanation of all aspects of sleep (or at least as much of an explanation as we have discovered so far). Once you read it you’ll understand how restorative sleep can be.
So today’s assignment is easy — GET SOME SLEEP! Then tomorrow you can be a healthy tree and bear healthy fruit.
Until Everyone Hears,

What are your thoughts?